Archives for February 2020

Ask, what do you attribute that to

Prospects usually have some idea what is causing the problem they need to get fixed. Most salespeople focus on getting more information about the problem and that is very important. Really weak salespeople immediately jump to discussing their solution to the problem. However, one of the most important questions you can ask is “so, what do you attribute that to?” This gives you insight into what the prospect thinks the cause of the problem is. Now, the prospect may or may not be right. But the important thing is to know what they think the cause is and hence where the solution lies. If you believe that the prospect is wrong, you can address that with more questions in the discovery phase. This tactic prevents you from proposing a solution that is off base from the prospect’s point of view and it eliminates objections before they happen. If the prospect turns out to be wrong, then you have probably differentiated yourself from your competitors. This approach is much better than coming up with a solution which you then have to defend causing you to lose credibility with the prospect.

If you have a sales question you would like to discuss follow the link to schedule a call:

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Be Natural Be Yourself

You can’t be something you are not, so don’t try to be. Don’t try to be charming if it is not your natural way. Don’t try to use big words if they do not come naturally to mind. Don’t fake your product knowledge. Prospects can see right through someone who is not authentic. They will not bond with someone who they view as a phony in any way. If the don’t bond with you they won’t buy from you. So today’s tip is be natural, be authentic. Be you!

If you have a sales question you would like to discuss follow the link to schedule a call:

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Closing sometimes means getting a No

“Have to be in it to win it” is the refrain of the ineffective salesperson. These people will waste time hoping against hope that they win. they will stay in a deal with a 1% chance of winning if they have that mentality. Elite salespeople know that getting a no is the second-best thing that can happen to them. Elite salespeople can recognize when they have little chance to win and they exit the deal when that becomes clear. This gives them plenty of time to uncover deals they have a high probability of winning. The effective salesperson knows that the less time they spend with deals they are not going to win the more time they have to find deals they will win.

If you have a sales question you would like to discuss follow the link to schedule a call:

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Don’t decode ASK

Sometimes prospects are not forthcoming with information. It can be intentional or inadvertent. Many salespeople try to “read between the lines” to get at the what the prospect really meant by what he said. This is always a bad idea. The chances for misinterpretation and confusion are great. If you are not sure what the prospect meant just ask what they meant. If you pick up a clue from their body language check it out by asking a question. For example, if they flinch when you say something you can check it out by saying “It sounds like you are not in agreement with that”. It is as simple as that.

If you have a sales question you would like to discuss follow the link to schedule a call:

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Can your salespeople execute the sales techniques

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CEO’s and Sales managers know well that there is a difference between what sales tactics a salesperson knows how to execute and one which his or her sales DNA will let them execute. It is a little like stage fright. We have all seen examples of stage fright. Actors who prepare, know their lines and execute flawlessly in rehearsals but freeze up when in front of the audience. Many salespeople suffer from the same problem. In training they know all the moves. They know what to say in every situation presented in training. But when they get in front of a prospect they fail to execute. Why, you may ask, does this happen? It is a simple explanation. Only 26% of salespeople have the sales DNA to be effective salespeople. Your self-limiting beliefs are what make up your sales DNA. So just like I was not gifted with the right physical DNA to be able to dunk a basketball, most salespeople do not have the right sales DNA to execute under the pressure of a sales call. If you manage a sales team follow the link below and find out where your team ranks in all 21 core competencies of effective salespeople. It won’t cost you anything to see where you rank.

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