Archives for May 2013

Salesperson Time Waster #1 – Following up

Ninety five percent of time salespeople spend following up is a colossal waste of time. I know, I know!! Many of you reading this article are saying “is he crazy”? “Persistence in following up is one of my greatest assets. I never give up and a few of my clients bought from me just because of that persistence.” In fact the sales literature is filled with stirring examples of the indefatigable salesperson dogging a prospect until they finally give in and buy something. These make great inspirational stories, but I wouldn’t want to build a career on that strategy. It wastes too much of your valuable time and will wear you out before you can make any real money. The top salespeople don’t need to follow up because they close the business now and no follow up is needed. Or they determine that there is no real need to follow up because there is no business to be had from that prospect. Again no follow up is needed. Here are some reasons salespeople waste time following up:

  1. Happy ears – The sales person hears what they want to hear. The prospect gives them some faint praise about their presentation and the salesperson interprets through his happy ear filter that they love the product and will buy it. He becomes so excited that he agrees to get back to the prospect with more information. He fails to understand that the prospect is just being nice and there is no compelling reason to buy. The prospect is giving them an indirect message that they are not interested enough to buy but the salesperson can’t take a hint.
  2. Not qualifying hard enough – The salesperson mistakes passing interest for a compelling reason to buy or they fail to establish that the prospect has enough money to afford the product or service. The prospect puts them off for a month or two as a way to avoid saying no and the salesperson starts a long follow up sequence that will eventually lead nowhere.

There plenty of examples that are similar to the two given here but they are all fairly similar and spring from the salesperson not being able to distinguish a real prospect from one who is just interested or too weak to tell you the truth.

So what is the remedy? It is simple really. Make the prospect prove to you that they have a compelling reason to move forward and have the ability and desire to consummate a deal if you get that far. Make sure that if they are not buying today, that you end the first meeting with a specific action that will take place at a specific point in time in the future. However, the most important asset you can have to avoid wasting time is a firm belief that your time is valuable and that you shouldn’t waste it on unqualified prospects. That belief and an effective selling process will let you end pursuits as soon as they lose the compelling reason to buy or more importantly not begin long follow up sequences with prospects who are too nice to tell you no.

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Are You Attacking Your Prospects?

Have you ever been in a conversation with a prospect when all of a sudden (or so it seems) they get defensive? Have you ever been cruising right along with a prospect then suddenly they clam up and become guarded about what they tell you? The chances are that whatever you were saying or doing looks like an attack to the prospect. There are several ways this might happen. I will discuss the top three. If you avoid these three pitfalls your prospect will not be as likely to fight you and will be more open to what you have to say.

  • Don’t be condescending. This can happen when you have a lot of experience or when you have much more knowledge than the prospect. Inadvertently you can begin to talk down to the prospect, or preach to the prospect or take a didactic stance with the prospect. When the prospect senses this, he or she feels like you are putting them down. This is true even if you are not trying to do so. Many times it is your tonality that communicates to the prospect what they are feeling. To protect against this, you can take a deferential stance which will give the prospect the idea that you hold them in a position as high as or higher than your own, and will almost automatically get your tonality right. Of course your belief has to be consistent with that stance or you will sound phony which is a whole other problem.
  • Don’t be arrogant. Arrogance will always cause a hostile environment. The prospect will either fight you or clam up. Most people don’t set out to be arrogant on a sales call. But when they are insecure or feel like they need to prove themselves, they come across that way. Be humble and you will not attract undue resistance. Have the humility to realize that though you are an expert in your field you are a rank amateur in what the prospect’s problems are and how she feels about them. You can’t hide arrogance it comes through your tonality and body language loud and clear.
  • Don’t use jargon and Buzz words. Of course every field has its own particular language. But you should be careful not to assume that the prospect understands it all. It may make you feel like the expert when you use big words, technical language or insider terminology but it will make the prospect feels stupid if they do not understand. They won’t tell you they don’t understand they will either stop interacting or go on the offensive. The worst part is they may not remember what you said but they will remember that they did not feel good when you were talking and mark you as someone to avoid. This may all be just a vague feeling on their part , but it will color every other interaction you have with them.

Be careful how you speak with a prospect you may be telling them more than you think.

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Is The Lack of Commitment to Sales Success Finding Predictive?

dave headerDave Kurlan is a top-rated speaker, best-selling author, sales thought leader and highly regarded sales development expert.

So you have your sales force evaluated and in addition to learning why you are getting the results you are getting, and what you can do to significantly improve those results, you are suprised by some of the individual findings on some of your salespeople. One of the findings that generates the most push-back is Lack of Commitment to sales success.

We could hear any of the following comments as push-back to this finding:

  • our best salesperson,
  • nobody tries harder,
  • works longer hours than anyone,

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Top 10 Reasons Why Salespeople Let Price Drive the Sale

dave headerDave Kurlan is a top-rated speaker, best-selling author, sales thought leader and highly regarded sales development expert.

Selling value.

What comes so easily to the top 6% and some of the top 26% is so very difficult for others.

Most salespeople have little capability to effectively build value. Talking about what your company does better or differently or telling a prospect what your value proposition is does not build value. Instead, value comes from 3 things:

  1. Uncovering the compelling reason(s) to buy and buy from you,
  2. Understanding the impact, ripple effect and cost of those compelling reasons, and
  3. Positioning yourself and company as the clear choice to help with numbers one and two. Then the salesperson becomes the added value.

Here are a few random thoughts accumulated through the combined efforts of evaluating more than 650,000 salespeople and training tens of thousands of others.  In no particular order:

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Impact of Sales Process versus Sales Coaching

dave header

Dave Kurlan is a top-rated speaker, best-selling author, sales thought leader and highly regarded sales development expert.

We are in the middle of the first day of our 2-day Sales Leadership Intensive.  While most attendees admit that they must be more effective at coaching, many who said they have some kind of sales process in place didn’t come to the same conclusion.  So, why is it so obvious to sales leaders that they need to improve their coaching, but so elusive that they need to improve their sales process?

Change occurs in direct proportion to the availability of immediate feedback.

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Salespeople Must Stop Snorkeling and Start Scuba Diving

dave headerDave Kurlan is a top-rated speaker, best-selling author, sales thought leader and highly regarded sales development expert.

We talk a lot about the importance of using a consultative approach instead of a transactional approach to better differentiate and sell value instead of price.  When we explain consultative selling, we usually emphasize the importance of listening and questioning.  When we further explain effective listening and questioning, it becomes much more difficult to describe in a paragraph or in the absence of a demonstration or role-play.

Until today.

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When Should You Quote?

I believe that the prospect has to earn the right to get a proposal from the salesperson. The Optimal Salesperson® will only write a proposal to a prospect who has completely met all of the elements to be considered a qualified prospect. Most salespeople spend entirely too much time writing proposals. They do a cursory job of qualifying the prospect and then they either volunteer to write a proposal or are asked to write one which they eagerly agree to do.

There are several possible factors which can cause this to happen.

  1. The salesperson does not have or does not use an effective sales process
  2. The salesperson knows how to qualify a prospect but is unskilled at executing the process
  3. The salesperson has a belief that they must quote when asked
  4. The salesperson has a fear of rejection so they won’t ask the tough questions
  5. The salesperson believes that they can’t win if they don’t quote so they quote everything that moves.
  6. The salesperson thinks that writing proposals with low probability is a good way to avoid prospecting which they hate worse than writing proposals.

In this article I would like to address items 1 and 2 in the list above. Only about 15% of the salespeople we test admit to using any sales process at all. One large company I worked with had a documented sales process that management swore was being used extensively. I could not find any evidence that the salespeople actually used it when I debriefed the sales team on various sales opportunities. Most salespeople just “wing it” and default to presenting features and benefits and then hoping for the best. An effective sales process will be centered on the prospect and include a detailed criteria for what constitutes qualified prospect. So when do I believe you should quote? You should only quote or propose when all three of the following criteria are met:

  1. The prospect has a compelling reason to proceed and we understand what it is from an in depth discussion with the prospect. We must understand the personal pain of each of the decision makers. Reading about it in the RFP does not count.
  2. We have had a detailed discussion about money with the prospect and enough has been found to execute the project.
  3. The prospect has agreed to make a decision upon delivery (or shortly thereafter) of the quote or proposal.

If you don’t have at least this much information you don’t have a qualified prospect and you should not quote the project.

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What Are Your Hidden Weaknesses?

We all have hidden weaknesses. These are obstacles that we are probably not aware of but that affect us in a big way when we are in front of a prospect. They are not obvious to those around us and they don’t show up on an interview. So what are they? They take many forms but the most common is a belief we may have about the way things are in the world or the way things work in our industry or in sales in general. For example if you believe that you have to call on purchasing agents first before you can contact the end user of your product then that belief will affect your ability to sell and learning sales techniques to help you deal with the end user will be of no help. Maybe you believe that it is ok for the prospect to think about your proposal for a few days even after they committed to making a decision when you delivered it. If that is true, then you will have a low closing rate and closing techniques will be useless until you overcome that self-limiting belief.

Sometimes hidden weaknesses are more psychological. For example if you have a strong need for approval from people then you will shy away from using techniques that you believe might jeopardize your relationship. You will avoid asking any question or making any statement which you perceive to be aggressive because the prospect may not approve and you need the approval.

So how do we know what our weaknesses are if they are “hidden”. Well you can contact me and we can test you for them. But another way is to pay attention to what you do or say and what avoid doing or saying. Ask yourself why you are doing it or saying it. then ask why that is important and then try to compare what you are doing to what the more successful people are doing. Ask yourself what would happen if I tried something different. Listen to your self-talk. What you are saying  to yourself will go a long way to identifying  your hidden weaknesses. The good news is that if you are able to identify and overcome just one there will be a quantum leap in your sales effectiveness. This video will help explain.

To get more sales tips click here to sign up for the free OPTMAL SELLING™ weekly video sales tip.

Optimal Selling – A Compelling Business Resource

The “Make-The-Sale” series, by Dan Caramanico and Marie Maguire, is an outstanding way for salespeople to learn what the difference is between ‘good’ sales techniques and ‘bad’ in this new business world. With this guide, readers will be able to study the ins and outs of the conversations had by an Optimal Salesperson when they ‘hunt’ for their customer’s reasons for buying a product and/or service.

As we know, we’re in an economic upheaval that has just begun to show signs of balancing out. What may come in the future is anyone’s guess. Our society is very much a technologically based realm where consumers head to a keyboard instead of an office when it comes to purchasing products. But, salespeople are necessary! And being a great one – an optimal one – is the key to success.

Opening with “Quincy,” a man who is a literal quoting machine, businesspeople see that even though he can quote like a fiend, research a prospect to the extreme, and find referrals in an instant, he still suffers extremely low production. Hence, he is the man for the preliminaries, but when it comes to selling the product and closing the deal, he is at a loss.

This book literally walks the steps and offers the key techniques on how to understand when a buyer actually NEEDS to buy! Unlike other business books, this goes beyond the norm because the writers have not simply generalized the situation. Such as, they do not simply say all salespeople are the same and by simply doing “this,” you’ll have your dream job, fancy house, etc.. What they do offer are crystal-clear examples that can be used by various backgrounds and attitudes of current and future salespeople. Everything from being able to read a prospect’s body language to being able to take note of the little things that appear in conversations in order to discover what a prospect’s long term problem may be – this book has it all.

Like a sleuth finding the clues to the mystery of what their clients need, this book instructs a salesperson on how to anticipate the need and then ask direct questions – the hard questions – so that the buyer knows they completely understand the issues and want to help…not just make the sale.

This title in the “Make-The-Sales” series will have the business world opening their eyes to the ‘right’ way when it comes to producing successful sales.—Sales-ebook/dp/B0083AAZYA/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1350069929&sr=1-7&keywords=optimal+selling

Keeping Your Sales Priorities Straight

Keeping your sales priorities straight is both simple and difficult. It should be obvious what we spend our time on but it must be difficult because so many salespeople spend time on the wrong things. Recently a client hired a salesperson that had great promise. He had all of the skills to be successful. He had and empowering belief system and he knew the industry. Yet, he was terminated within a year. What happened? He didn’t fail for lack of hard work. He didn’t fail because he couldn’t fit in with the corporate culture. He didn’t fail because he didn’t know how to sell or hadn’t been successful in the past. He didn’t fail because of the economy. They are in a growth sector. He didn’t fail because the company was impatient. He failed because on a daily basis he had his priorities mixed up.

He is (or should I say was) in a business with a three month sales cycle and an average sale that should be around $$40,000 to $50,000. He had personal goals that he could attain if he sold one of those per month. If he had done that, the company would have been ecstatic and he would still have a job. His first few weeks in the field he wanted to make a good impression and get a few quick hits. So he chased the first few projects that crossed his path. The problem is they happened to be $10,000 deals without too much urgency to close. Chasing these unqualified prospects cost John valuable time. Of the four he pursued only one closed and that took four months. So at the four month mark he had one small sale and an anemic pipeline. Now his focus changed. Instead of a quick hit he needed to show a growing pipeline so he focused on the wrong thing again. This time he went after the right sized projects but he didn’t care whether they were qualified or not he just wanted them in his pipeline to show management he was making progress. So six months in, he has a pipeline bloated with prospects that will never close and he is starting to attract some adult supervision from his manager. More meetings meant more time away from prospecting. At this point he was doomed and it was only a matter of time.

John had his priorities mixed up on a daily basis. His manager and the company were not expecting a sale for the first 4 months. One month for training and tree months to build the pipeline and close his first deal. John was interested in being a hero in the first few months and forgot about a few things. He forgot about his income goals and focused on the psychic goal of being the star. He forgot about the target prospect and allowed himself to be distracted by the promise of a quick hit. Then when he got behind, he forgot everything he knew and went into panic mode which is never good. What he should have done is keep his focus on his personal goals and his selling process and his target prospect. If he had only done those three things he would never have gotten off track. This video will help explain.

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