Personal growth is Simple … And Complex

On one hand, personal growth is a complicated process. On the other, it is simple. Before growth occurs, it looks complicated and almost impossible. After growth has happened, it looks simple and you wonder what took you so long. The reason is that before growth occurs you are staring at many variables and many ways you could possibly go. When growth has occurred you look back and only see the one path that took you to success and ignore the others paths you tried which led nowhere. So how do you pick out the one path that will get you there? The best way is to find someone who has travelled the road before you and get him or her to point out the way. The hard part is picking the right mentor and then the really hard part is to follow their instructions and not try to find an easier path. It may look easier… but it rarely is. If you have the right mentor, they have been there, they know. Listen and follow in their footsteps. It is rarely a straight line.

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