It’s always OK to ask a question of a prospect. AS LONG AS you keep it in the area of business. Fear of asking questions is related to a fear of rejection or a need for approval. Salespeople who fear asking questions are afraid of looking too pushy or of not knowing something they should have known. If you are not sure if it is ok to ask this video gives you a really simple (and cool) way to find out. the technique only takes about 4 seconds and the answer as to whether it is OK to ask or not comes from a very authoritative source. I made a list of 17 questions that only top salespeople have the guts to ask. If you click on the link below I will send you the 17 questions along with an offer for a short program on the 3 essential elements of the prospect’s compelling reason to buy. If you are already (or were) a client you can have the the 3 essential elements program free by sending me an email at .
It is always ok to ask
August 14, 2014 by Leave a Comment
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