Fun Facts

  • Black pepper is the most popular spice in the world
  • The ancient Romans invented the arch.
  • Leonardo DaVinci could write with one hand and draw with the other simultaneously
  • It is estimated that within the entire universe there are more than a trillion galaxies.
  • Until the 18th century coffee was almost always boiled
  • The first product with a bar code to be scanned at checkout was a pack of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit Gum
  • The first archeological evidence of soup being consumed was 6000 BC with the main ingredient being Hippopotamus bones.
  • A pound of houseflies contains more protein than a pound of beef
  • The shoestring was invented in 1790 in England. Prior to the invention all shoes were fastened with buckles.
  • Camel’s hair brushes are not made of Camel hair. They were invented by a man named Mr. Camel.
  • The moon weighs 81 billion tons. (I wonder where they got a scale that big?)
  • Americans consumed more than 20 billion hot dogs in the year 2000
  • The word Alcohol comes from the Arabic “Al  Kohl” meaning “the essence”.
  • In her entire lifetime Queen Isabella of Spain bathed twice.
  • The first item ever sold on eBay was a broken laser printer sold by the site’s creator. It sold for $14.
  • 19=1×9+1+9   29=2×9+2+9 this also works for 39 49 59 69 79 89 and 99
  • Canned herring are called sardines because the canning process was developed in Sardinia.
  • Chickens were first domesticated in Vietnam 10,000 years ago.
  • The Caribbean island St. Bart’s is named for Bartholomeo Columbus, Christopher’s brother.
  • Acid Rock was a geological term before it was a musical genre.
  • There are no rivers in Saudi Arabia
  • Lightning strikes earth about 200 times per second
  • The Eskimo language has 20 words to describe the different kinds of snow
  • Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around
  • Crickets can sing and eat at the same time
  • One third of the people who own cats are allergic to them
  • There are more roads in national forests than in the interstate highway system
  • The number of grains of sand on all of the world’s beaches is about 7.5 Quintillion
  • There’s no actual sand on sand paper
  • A tigers tongue is so rough it can lick the paint off a building
  • There are about 77.7 million pet cats in the United States
  • Popeye the sailor is 5’6’’ tall
  • The earliest dentists practiced in Egypt in 3700 BC.
  • One study found that coffee is the most recognizable scent to Americans. Peanut butter came in second.
  • Sliced bread was introduced in 1930 by Wonder Bread
  • 60 cows can produce a ton of milk per day
  • A pound of houseflies contains more protein than a pound of beef
  • White wine is usually produced form red grapes
  • 93% of salespeople do not track their sales activity! Hard to believe Harry!
  • Octillion is the lowest positive number containing the letter “C”.
  • Four is the only number in the English language that is spelled with the same number of letters as the number itself.
  • Two thirds of the world’s eggplant is grown in New Jersey.
  • It snowed in the Sahara desert on February 18, 1979.
  • A honeybee must tap 2,000,000 flowers to produce one pound of honey.
  • 65% of salespeople are uncomfortable discussing money. Go figure!!

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