Deal with objections upfront

bombObjections are ticking time bombs. Failure to deal with them leaves you vulnerable and puts your entire sale and even you credibility in jeopardy. This video illustrates a method to defuse the bomb you know is coming. Don’t fear the objection … meet it head on early in the sales call. If it is an insurmountable objection, then you will know that right away and not waste any time with this prospect. The biggest fear that salespeople have in this regard is that they will cause the objection to occur by bringing up the subject. They would prefer to hope that it doesn’t occur and deal with from a position of weakness when it does. They do this from a mis-guided belief that somehow this prospect won’t think of it even though it has come up on the previous 98 sales calls they have been on. They prefer to ignore the proverbial “elephant in the room” hoping no one notices it.

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