Control those emotions, sales people!

Some will buy. Some won’t. So what! Sales people let their emotions with a sales opportunity carry them away. It’s all-or-nothing thinking. For many salespeople, when they get the sale, they feel like one of the greatest sales people in the world. They reason they are so good they don’t need to make any more calls. If they don’t get the sale, they feel like the worst salesperson in the world and lose confidence to make more calls. The Optimal Salesperson is stable with their emotional responses. Somebody buys from them? They execute the sales steps needed to go out and get the next sale. Somebody rejects their offer? They execute the sales steps needed to go out and get the next sale. They don’t allow their emotions to carry them away. They are focused on the work they need to do. They remember a simple math equation = sw * sw * sw. Some will. Some won’t. So what.

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