Archives for September 2014

Breaking the ice – it’s not like your high school dance

iceHigh school dances were painful … should I ask her to dance? … What should I say? … I hope he asks me … what should I say? … how should I act? Networking events for some feel a lot like that. But breaking the ice is much easier than high school. Watch this 1 minute 50 second video and discover how to do it.

Rejection is like Scotch Whiskey

gg59214847Rejection, like your first taste of Scotch is distasteful (At least is was for me). My friends who drink scotch assure me that you have to develop a taste for it. The same is true for rejection. You don’t have to like rejection. And if you realize that they are not rejecting you but only the opportunity to buy and use your product or service then it goes down much smoother.

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