Archives for March 2014

Pay attention to what you say and do

An optimal salesperson is aware of what they say and do.  There are things that we believe about ourselves that are deep inside of us.  These beliefs have an impact on what we do and say.  If a salesperson feels insecure, he may avoid closing a sale and generating business.  As long as he doesn’t ask for the business, he will never be rejected.  It is difficult to put our finger on such beliefs.  We can’t see them anymore than we can see the wind.  However, we can see the impact of what those beliefs do to us just like we can see the trees blowing in the wind.  We have to look for the trees blowing in our sales lives.  Did I just say that?  Did I really just do that?  Did I really not say that?  Did I really miss that opportunity?  If we pay attention to the things we do and say, we can spot those hidden beliefs that entrap us.  Once we see those beliefs, we can take action to correct them.

Increase sales by asking permission to ask questions

An optimal salesperson is not afraid to ask questions.  The typical underachieving salesperson walks into a prospect’s office with all kinds of questions — that they will never ask.  They are afraid to ask these questions, afraid they might embarrass themselves or offend the prospect.  Imagine someone getting onto a bus, too afraid to ask the bus driver what city the bus is going to.  Five hours later, they are in downtown Washington DC when they had planned to go to Boston, MA.  Strike up the nerve and generate sales.  Ask the prospect if it is alright to ask them a question.  99% of the time they will say it is fine.  You will get the answer to your question and you won’t end up stepping off the bus in the wrong city.

Increase sales by not starting in the purchasing department

An optimal salesperson does not start in the purchasing department. The typical person in the purchasing department is not aware of the pain of your prospective clients in other departments of the company. They are not interested in building a relationship with you. They are not interested in learning about how the features and benefits of your products and services can solve problems in the company. They are interested in making purchases while spending the least amount of money. Generate sales by starting your cold calling on a prospective new client in the departments who have the pain you can solve. Let them tell the purchasing department that they are to do business with you.

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