Archives for February 2014

Increase sales by having conversations with the prospects

An optimal salesperson has conversations with prospects. The typical salesperson approaches a meeting with a prospect as if they are prepared for battle. Victory is a closed sale. The charts and presentations are the weapons in the battle to increase business. They are prepared for a cross-examination of the prospect. The prospect is someone to “overcome” and “defeat” in order to generate sales. The optimal salesperson views the interaction with the prospect as a conversation. Two friendly adults sharing information and perspectives back and forth. This builds trust in the prospect for the salesperson.

Increase sales by picking up the phone

An optimal salesperson uses the phone to discover the prospect’s critical information. It’s so easy to give in to the urge to send email to a prospect when the questions you need to ask to generate sales make you feel uncomfortable. Our self-limiting beliefs tell us it will be easier and less intrusive for the prospect if you invade only their inbox. However, the optimal salesperson understands that he or she cannot close sales by email. Sure, you might be able to capture their initial interest. However, if you need to discover their pain, their budget, the decision process, or the next step, you need to pick up the phone and ask those questions to increase business. The Optimal Salesperson understands that tonality is a critical component to building trust.

Increase your sales by debriefing yourself

An optimal salesperson takes the time for a debriefing after the sales call. Increase your business by acting as your own sales manager. Ask yourself after a sales call critical questions. Did you achieve your goal? Did you go deep enough into the conversation? What can you learn from your performance? How can you apply your sales techniques better next time to generate sales?

Increase sales by focusing on the prospect’s perspective

An optimal salesperson always looks at a deal from the prospect’s perspective. The optimal salesperson does not close sales because they dazzle the prospect with knowledge and persuasive speech. The optimal salesperson increases business by knowing exactly what is important to the prospect and demonstrating their product or service will deliver that solution. The optimal salesperson understands that price, features, and benefits may not be as important to a decision maker as are some unknown criterion the salesperson could not possibly imagine. The important sales technique in this lesson is to toss your brochures and presentations aside and ask questions of the prospect to discover what it is they are looking for.

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